Friday, February 17, 2012

Remember the Good Times

Good Times
Victrola at Hacienda Buena Vista
Barrio Margueyes, Near Ponce, Puerto Rico

Some things act as catalysts bringing back incredible good memories. That was the case with this victrola spotted in the corner across the expansive living room salon at Hacienda Buena Vista. It sat alone but the horn drew me in and you could hear the music that must have come from it and you could visualize the dances choreographed in that room.

My mother use to tell me of her two story home near San Sebastian, Puerto Rico. How her father had money and how they use to entertain with lavish parties and dances at their home. For a moment, as my sister and I walked across the open open room, we reconnected with her spirit and her past. We visualized what she experienced and how grand it must have been. All those excited young girls waiting to dance the evening away. Who would they meet and who would they marry?

Mom never ever forgot the good times and she had many; enough to outweigh the hardships she later endured while raising her family with her husband in an unfamiliar place. Mom taught us how to draw from the good times.

Good times are for a reason, accumulate and store them. They should not be forgotten. They serve a purpose; when times are tough we dip our ladle and draw from the well to quench our thirst and refresh our soul. Can't forget the good times. Find the good times in your life and recall them.

"Good Times" image will be available for sale along with others in my new card series: The Power of Words.  Contact me for additional information.

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