Sunday, December 26, 2010

Comfort & Joy

Comfort and Joy

It's Christmas time, a time filled with year end activities:  travel, parties, misguided gifts, check out lines, and lots of food.  This year during all the commotion spend some time with yourself and pause.  Ask, what truly brings you "comfort and joy"?

Family far and near provide me both. Watching my family interact with each other and their pets fills me with immense joy. I realize that no amount of money or electronic toys could surpass the warmth they make me feel.  Even the warmth of the fireplace places a distant third.

The smiles at Christmas are broad and the time spent together is short.  Packages are quickly unwrapped but the memories seem to linger.

Perhaps that's it; the real Christmas secret is to create the memories that provide both comfort and joy.  This season, I wish you both comfort and joy.  Create your memories not only during the season, but also make them all year long.

Someone once told me that true love is not love until its given a way.  To that extent, I wish you the ability to share your love so that you can truly experience it in your lives.  It will endure many things including the physical obstacles we encounter in our bodies and our emotional journey baggage, pain and suffering.  The thoughts of giving love away unconditionally, however, always provide both comfort and joy.

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