Monday, May 21, 2012

Success: Keeping Score

San Miguel del Allende, GTO, MX
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." 
Winston Churchill 

If you hit a log jam, the only thing that you can do do is to get up and fix it. It requires action, nothing complicated. Started thinking again about San Miguel and its bells. The bells awaken and beckon me to participate in a very vibrant life. 

It could very well be that this log jam is more than about being stuck. The jam provides me time to reassess what counts and gives my life meaning. The part I've been stuck on has to do more with defining the measure my own success. My realization is that it can hold you back. I want to do and just be without keeping score. Just want to have the opportunity to continue to create and meet fascinating people along the way. 

It's not about winning or losing its about engaging and living life. For me, It boils down to living a life filled with action verbs. Success for me is more about doing and less about the score.

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